I am a software engineer, working at a Capgemini office in Wroclaw-Poland. Some time ago I graduated from my Software Engineering studies at the University of Technology in Wroclaw. So I am a Computer Programmer working with the tools I like to deliver stuff I like. But there are 'things' I like more than just programming, of course apart from loving my Wife of course. These are more physical than lines of code in any of the existing programming languages. This is the hardware I like o play around with.
Everything started as a innocent Lego love when I was so small I cannot really recall. This has been very innocent until some time ago, when I Stumbled across the makezine blog. This was like a kind of bookshelf full of good ideas, ideas I liked and wanted to realise myself sometime in the future. But the makezine was not first in my RSS reader, its was the second source of ideas, right after notcot. But it was better for me, more in to the process of making than just the finished product. After a short research in the archives of the makezine blog I have been captivated by the arduino and the idea of Open Source Hardware. So after some weeks my brothers bought me an arduino Uno for my birthday. I loved it almost instantly (some of my rather nooby achievements are available here: UTube, for the code behind it, please give me a comment).
As You have probably thought, this blog will be about hardware in fusion with software. I will try to do my best in the questions I will ask and the answers I will give. This will be my 'diary' for some of my future projects, and a small bookshelf of ideas so You can also profit from it.
Please don't hesitate to ask me questions and get involve into my projects. I hope this will be inspiring for You too.
With love from Your wife <3.